Monday, November 2, 2009

Metaphor for life

"No matter what you do, your battery will become a useless piece of junk—one day it will reach a point where it can no longer be charged, and then you'll have to recycle it. It will die if you use it often. It will die if you hardly ever use it. It will die if you charge it too much. It will die if you charge it too little. You can pull the battery out of your camera, stuff it under your mattress, and come back for it in five years. Guess what? Your battery will be dead."


davebk said...

No matter what I do I end up dead... is that it? What a depressing metaphor. Thanks a lot.

On the upside, I can now stop hiding under my mattress in an attempt to prolong my life.

Reminds me of the character in Catch-22 who tries to avoid interesting things, on the argument that life passes by more slowly doing things you dislike. Thus the more you can fill your life with boring things the longer it is, whereas a life full of fun goes by in the blink of an eye...

(In)Sanity Gal said...

oh dear. how depressing.

Unknown said...

i don't find it depressing. i have actually spent time thinking about the best way to use a battery to conserve its life and this post has reminded to me to let go a little.

the metaphor for life i'm taking away is to stop trying to make things perfect, to live life in a less dangerous or harmful way and to just go forward brashly and do what you want. because no matter what, you will run the battery out. but who wants their battery to die while its stashed under a mattress? i'd rather use that gadget as much as possible until the battery just gives out....