Thursday, September 11, 2008

What is it with professors and Cardozo?

I spent last year under the tutelage of the most lovable contracts professor ever. He had, you could say, an obsession with Judge (later, Justice) Cardozo of the NY Court of Appeals. Almost every time we read a Cardozo opinion, his photo--complete with the requisite bushy eyebrows--made an appearance in class.

I thought this was a quirk of this particular gentleman. It appears I was mistaken--the powerful allure of Mr. Justice Cardozo is not to be underestimated. In Corporations the other day we admired the photo below while discussing Meinhard v. Salmon. Not satisfied with the presence of the photo alone, the professor asked a student to read aloud from the opinion. While standing up. With Shakespearean emphasis. So it seems our adventures with the great Cardozo continue.

Image from Wikimedia Commons

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